
You can use this optional text area to introduce the birds below. To edit it, click the "Customize page" button at the bottomi, then click the gear icon next to the "Custom" module. If you don't wish to include this intro text on the page, click the trash can button on the "Custom" module's gray bar at the top. 

To change the birds that appear below, press the "Customize page" button then press the gear button above the "Bird cards" module. You can then type the name of the birds you'd like to appear in the fields, add more rows, and customize their display. 

Birds at Our Center

Northern Goshawk

Latin:  Accipiter gentilis

Illustration for Northern Goshawk


Latin:  Cardinalis sinuatus

Illustration for Pyrrhuloxia

Greater Sage-Grouse

Latin:  Centrocercus urophasianus

Illustration for Greater Sage-Grouse

Bald Eagle

Latin:  Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Illustration for Bald Eagle

Piping Plover

Latin:  Charadrius melodus

Illustration for Piping Plover

California Gull

Latin:  Larus californicus

Illustration for California Gull

Great Shearwater

Latin:  Ardenna gravis

Illustration for Great Shearwater

Blue-footed Booby

Latin:  Sula nebouxii

Illustration for Blue-footed Booby

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